A Perforation in an Adult’s World

a series of oil paintings

Gabriel’s series is inspired by one of our collaborators' hearing journey which was shared as part of the Learning Workshop 02. The collaborator experienced hearing loss in one ear combined with extreme loss of balance following an ear infection which led to a perforated eardrum.

Gabriel's series captures how our collabroator’s hearing journey disrupted their world as they knew it and their journey of acceptance intertwined with anatomical structures of the ear.

Closeup: A perforation in an Adult’s World, In combination 1closeup: in combination 1

A Perforation in an Adult’s World,
In conversation

Gabriel painted A Perforation in an Adult’s World, in conversation in live response to our patient sharing their story, during the Learning Workshop 2.

Closeup: A Perforation in an Adult’s World, in conversation

A Perforation in an Adult’s World, in conversation

A perforation in an Adult’s World, In conversation

“This painting was produced whilst listening to the hearing patient share their story and as such is primarily a painting reflecting the personal and emotional response of a patient’s experience of hearing loss.”

The central area of red depicts the initial shock and trauma of both the infection and our collaborator’s reaction.

The hearing patient spoke eloquently and emotively, sharing the shock, trauma and difficulties that they experienced.”

The painting continues with broken lines that in places spiral, reflecting the pan

ic and uncertainty experienced during this time.

“The ear infection not only robbed them of their hearing in one ear but also their balance and ability to distinguish the direction of sound.  They talked about the journey they underwent learning to adapt and accept a new way of being.”

Closeup: A Perforation in an Adult’s World, in conversation

The lines weave uncertainty around the canvas, ultimately moving towards a calmer, more settled area of light, reflecting the balance that has been found in her life now.  Red, however, remains throughout, symbolising an ever present level of fear and worry that this may occur again in the other ear.

“Understandably this journey provoked a series of strong emotions including fear, panic and ultimately acceptance.“

A Perforation in an Adult’s World,
In combination 1

A Perforation in an Adult’s World,  In combination 1

Closeup: A Perforation in an Adult’s World,  In combination 1Closeup: A Perforation in an Adult’s World,  In combination 1

The second painting in the series uses the emotions shared in the hearing story for the composition, entwined with anatomical structures of the inner ear, the part of the ear struck by the initial infection.

The central red area that represents the fear and trauma also references the auditory canal, specifically the tympanic membrane where the perforation occurred. The spiral area symbolises both the loss of control and the cochlear. The fractured lines of uncertainty working around the canvas also reflect the various canals and chambers within the inner ear.

A Perforation in an Adult’s World,
In combination 2 

A Perforation in an Adult’s World,  In combination 2

The third painting in the series uses the anatomical structure of the inner ear for the composition interweaved with the emotions shared in the hearing story in the use of colours and movement throughout the canvas.

Closeup: A Perforation in an Adult’s World,  In combination 2

“The result is an abstract, dynamic  painting with a hidden story to tell.”